Margaret Chiara, MA, SBL/SDL, BCBA LBA
Workforce Training and Development Coordinator
Margaret has over 25 years of experience working with children and adults with a range of abilities. She began her career as an early childhood special education classroom teacher. After many years in the classroom she joined the Education & Training Department at NYL where she developed a training series on the Principals of Applied Behavior Analysis, Verbal Behavior, and Behavior Management. In addition to holding workshops in the New York area Margaret travelled around the country training outside school districts and agencies. Her publications and videos include:
- Navigating the World of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Insights & Information.
- Creating a Classroom for Children with Autism and other Disorders of Relating and Communicating.
- Everything You Need To Know About Behavior Management” Manual and Videotape Series.
She holds a Masters in Early Childhood from Teachers College, Columbia University, administration certificates from New York State and is a NY State Licensed and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. As one of the newer members of the Birch Family Services training team Margaret has expanded the agency’s course offerings and helped to establish Birch as a provider of NYSED CTLEs.