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Behavior Courses





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Behavior Boot Camp

This training provides an introduction to the reasons individuals with developmental disabilities often exhibit challenging behaviors and instruction for how to conduct a functional behavior assessment. Participants will learn to develop functionally-equivalent interventions and use data to track behavior changes.


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Sticks and Stones: Managing Bullying in School Settings

This workshop will describe the cycle of bullying and victimization among students, provide descriptors for students at risk for becoming bullies or victims of bullying, and provide solutions for how school staff can prevent and interfere in bullying situations.


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Team Building & Conflict Resolution

This workshop will address the importance of maintaining a team-centered environment. It will examine both positive interactions and negative conflict in the workplace. The workshop will focus on communication while working together as a team, identifying potential problems and threats to your team in addition to identifying and managing conflict as it arises. Participants will walk away with various strategies for active listening, staff motivation and managing stressful situations.


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